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Well, let's get a couple things cleaned up and out of the way. Don't worry, I am still writing, and I will continue to do so.

First: clearly the whole one blog post a month isn't going swimmingly. I always want to say something important or meaningful, but I still feel that a 29 year old amateur writer doesn't have that many meaningful things to say. Perhaps I will change my tactics to a more traditional and boring strategy of just saying whatever the heck I am feeling. If that ends up doing me some good, then hooray, perhaps I will even talk about the ranger life, but otherwise I may just keep the blog posts to a minimum.

Second: writing has gone slow, disappointingly slow. Usually i have the excuse the work, or relationships slow me down, but i set aside some time this April and my progress was minimal. This is quite discouraging as I have so many ideas I wish I could dump out on paper, but if I have learned anything about myself as a writer, then a trickle is a more accurate description.

I am getting close to fifty thousand words, so there has been some progress. I like the general direction of how the story is progressing and I think you will too. The world building continues and has been the most enjoyable part so far. Sadly, my portrayal of the setting has been somewhat poor, as I have fallen into the standard trap of telling rather than showing.

If I am going to do the whole feelings thing, then today I would say I am discouraged. I don't just want to bake a mediocre piece of whole wheat bread. I want to bake some F-ing chocolate chip cookies! I'm not looking to blow people away with a three foot tall wedding cake, but I would like to hear people go, "hmm, I hope he makes another batch."

Is that too much to ask?

No its not, but the level of work I have to put in to create that level of writing, is exhausting, and frankly daunting. Wouldn't it be nice to have awesome writing skills so that these creative worlds in my head could be shared? ugh...

Enough for today. In keeping with previous posts, here is another picture of a place I once worked at. Good luck with your own endeavors out there.


P.S. I didn't edit the writing in this with it.

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